Monday, March 1, 2010

we know not when the light will fade

we know not when the light will fade

so stand not hiding in the shade

go out, look up - enjoy the gifts

that God has placed up in the sky

for you to see.

it was my distinct pleasure to drive

last night at sunset, a brilliant pink

devouring the daylight. i paused to

marvel at the colors, the palette of which

we have no access. we are afterall, merely human.

then as the show faded into night, the Hunger Moon

replaced the west with east, the day with night

and the show continued. Hunger Moon hung low,

luminescent and huge. it bid good-bye to the day, and

heralded the beginning of night. the last for some,

i wondered who would not begin tomorrow; I?

no better day or night could i imagine, the brillant pink

and the luminecsent gold.

i pondered my life, my meaning, my impact. Good?

i surmised that we, mere humans can not control the

time or place. our ending is unknown. (and those who

do -- determine the end -- would surely steal the Will

of God from Him: doing so must certainly be a breach

of the covenant with Us for the gift of Life itself....)

no, we must not choose the time, or place, or manner of our

Death..we only have a right to choose its meaning.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see such beauty in words. It is even nicer to see the knowledge and intellect reflected. So few would even know that each monthly full moon has a name and that this one is the "hunger moon."

    Sadness...the third stanza makes my soul hurt.
